The benefits of learning a musical instrument are very well documented in both
articles and videos…here are just a few of many!
Forbes Magazine
High School Students Do Better In Science, Math And English If They Also Take Music Lessons
Musical University
Does music strengthen your brain?
Yes! Find out how.
Hopkins Health
Keep Your Brain Young with Music
TED-Ed Original lessons
When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged & active.
Psychology Today
Music Participation Is Linked to Teens' Academic Achievement
Parenting SciencE
Want to 'train your brain'? Forget apps, learn a musical instrument
Music students do better in school than non-musical peers
Learning a musical instrument alters and strengthens key areas of the brain.
The Guardian
Want to 'train your brain'? Forget apps, learn a musical instrument
Playing piano is good for your brain and it’s never too late to start